Crystal bowls
“The substance used in the making of the quartz bowls is silica, a sand-like, pure quartz. The sand is placed into a mold that is spinning with centrifugal force. At the proper moment, an electric arc torch is ignited, reaching temperatures of several thousand degrees centigrade, and the individual silica particles are melted into a unified whole. The bowls come in various sizes, each with their own predominant tone and impact upon the physical and subtle energies of the individual who plays them” (ANDREWS, 2005, p. 163).
“The musical tones of the bowls are rich in harmonics. When their intense, pure tone impinges upon the ear, it generates new vibrations and tone within the ear itself. These new, supplemental tones are called aural harmonics” (ANDREWS, 2005, p. 180). “The human body resonates strongly to quartz energy. The electrical aspects of the quartz emanations trigger strong responses within the crystalline structures and patterns of the human body. This, in conjunction with the sound vibrations that will echo around and inside body cavities, makes for a dynamic harmonic response level by the individual to the bowl” (ANDREWS, 2005, p. 164). “With the crystal bowls, the oscillation of the sound, and the resonance to it by the body, effects a micromassage of the systems, tissues, and cells of the body. This, in turn, affects balance and improves blood circulation, metabolism, endocrine balance, chakra balance, and alignment with our higher self” (ANDREWS, 2005, p. 208-209). |